Organisation chart

Organigramm e


(1) The Federal Council elects the ENSI Board. It approves the Business Report, the personnel regulations and the scale of fees. It carries out supervision of the ENSI Board which, in turn, supervises ENSI.

(2) The NSC advises the Federal Council and DETEC on technical and specialist issues.

(3) The ENSI Board represents ENSI’s interests when applications are submitted regarding compensation for services at Federal level. It submits the Business Report, the personnel regulations and the scale of fees to the Federal Council for approval. It reports to the Federal Council on ENSI’s performance of its remit.

(4) The ENSI Board defines ENSI’s objectives and safety philosophy as well as its strategy and management instruments. It issues the rules of procedure, approves the business plan and budget, and appoints the members of the Executive Board. It supervises the Executive Board and monitors the risk situation, approves the annual financial statement and draws up the Report on Activities and the Business Report.

(5) ENSI’s Executive Board is responsible for the management of business, organisation and other personnel decisions. It manages ENSI and represents the Inspectorate in dealings with the public. It takes decisions on safety-related matters.