Paul Bossart
Paul Bossart has been a member of the ENSI Board since 1 April 2022. Until his retirement at the end of 2020, Paul Bossart worked as head of the Mont Terri underground rock laboratory in Saint-Ursanne, canton Jura, at the Swiss Geological Survey at swisstopo. After being responsible for experiments on deep geological disposal in the Opalinus Clay as project manager of the newly founded underground rock laboratory from 1995, Paul Bossart became director of the Mont Terri project in 2005. His responsibilities included operation of the underground rock laboratory, underground safety, management of the Mont Terri Visitor Centre and, together with national and international project partners, implementation of the research programmes.
Between 1986 and 1995, Paul Bossart worked in geological consultancy companies as a hydrogeologist and geotechnical engineer. In addition, he was active in various national and international committees and conducted research in several underground rock laboratories, for example in the Grimsel underground rock laboratory, in the underground hard rock laboratory of the Swedish waste management company, SKB in Äspo, and in the Kamaishi underground rock laboratory in northern Japan. Paul Bossart summarised the results of his research and his experience in numerous scientific publications.
Paul Bossart studied natural sciences at ETH Zurich and received his doctorate in structural geology in 1987. He received his Executive MBA in General Management from the University of St. Gallen in 2004.