The ENSI Board
The members of the ENSI Board are elected by the Federal Council for terms of four years. Members may be re-elected twice. The ENSI Board reports directly to the Federal Council. This arrangement meets the requirements regarding the independence of the safety authority stated in the Swiss Federal Nuclear Energy Act (NEA) and the international Convention on Nuclear Safety.
Administrative aspects of communication and reporting between the ENSI Board and the Federal Council are handled by the General Secretariat (GS) of the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC). The ENSI Board is ENSI’s internal and strategic supervisory body. The ENSI Board’s primary point of contact within ENSI is the Executive Board.
The ENSI Board maintains regular interchange with the Federal Nuclear Safety Commission (NSC), which advises the Federal Council, DETEC and ENSI itself (at the latter’s request) on issues concerning nuclear safety in nuclear installations.
According to Article 6, paragraph 6, of the Federal Act concerning the Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI Act, ENSIG), its remit is as follows:
- To define ENSI’s strategic objectives;
- To apply to the Federal Council for the compensation payments to be made by the Federal Government;
- To issue the Organisational Regulations;
- Subject to approval by the Federal Council, to issue the Personnel Regulations;
- Subject to approval by the Federal Council, to issue the Fee Regulations;
- To issue the implementing provisions delegated to ENSI by the Federal Council;
- To monitor ENSI’s management and supervisory activities;
- To elect the Director and the other members of ENSI’s Executive Board;
- To ensure adequate quality assurance and appropriate operational risk management;
- To set up internal auditing and to ensure internal control;
- To approve the budgetary estimate and the annual financial statement;
- To draw up the report on activities, including information on supervision, the status of quality assurance, the attainment of the strategic objectives and the condition of the nuclear plants, and also to draw up the annual business report (annual report, balance sheet with notes, income statement, audit report by the statutory auditor) and to submit it to the Federal Council for approval.
The ENSI Board consists of 5 to 7 members. It is supported by a Technical Secretariat. In particular, the members of the ENSI Board have specialist knowledge of nuclear safety and experience of management. They are not permitted to engage in any commercial activities, nor may they hold any office at Federal or cantonal level which could detract from their independence (Article 6, paragraph 3, ENSIG).
The ENSI Board endeavours to continue strengthening ENSI as a supervisory authority, and is committed to the ongoing improvement of safety. For these purposes, it strives to be open and transparent, and to maintain constant dialogue with all stakeholders as well as the general public.