Responsibilities and remit of the ENSI Board
The ENSI Board is the strategic and internal supervisory body of the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate.
The Federal Act concerning the Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate of 22 June 2007 (ENSI Act, ENSIG) and the Ordinance concerning ENSI of 12 November 2008 (ENSI Ordinance, ENSIV) provide the legal basis for the remits of ENSI and the ENSI Board.
As stipulated in Article 6, paragraph 2, ENSIG, the ENSI Board consists of five to seven members who are specialists in the field. The ENSI Board defines the objectives for ENSI in a Performance Mandate for four years each. The annual Performance Agreement between ENSI and the ENSI Board states this Performance Mandate in more specific terms and defines the annual goals that enable ENSI to pursue the strategic objectives based on the Performance Mandate. The ENSI Board elects the Director General and the other members of the Executive Board. It approves ENSI’s budget and is responsible for adequate quality assurance and appropriate risk management. The ENSI Board’s remit is defined in Article 6, paragraph 6, of the ENSI Act (ENSIG).
The ENSI Board maintains regular interchange with the Federal Nuclear Safety Commission (NSC), which advises the Federal Council, DETEC and ENSI itself on issues concerning nuclear safety in nuclear installations.