ENSI publishes revised organisational regulations
The Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI) publishes its organisational regulations, setting out details of ENSI’s duties, responsibilities, organisation and management structure.
The ENSI Board is required by the Federal Act concerning the Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate to draw up and issue organisational regulations. In mid-July the ENSI Board passed a revised version of the regulations which will take effect on 1 September 2017.
ENSI will publish the organisational regulations on its public website in the interests of transparency. These regulations include detailed information on the duties, powers and procedures of the ENSI Board and the management team.
ENSI Board
The ENSI Board consists of seven members appointed by the Swiss Federal Council. The ENSI Board is the strategic and internal supervisory body of the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate. Its duties include setting strategic objectives every four years, supervising the management team and regulatory activities, approving the annual accounts and issuing organisational and staff regulations, plus ENSI’s fees regulations.
Management team
The ENSI Executive Board comprises the Director General and the Directors of the various ENSI Divisions, as shown in the organisation chart. As ENSI’s operational body, the Executive Board is specifically responsible for issuing rulings and expert reports on nuclear safety and security, implementing the strategic requirements of the ENSI Board, appointing staff and drawing up and updating guidelines for ENSI’s regulatory activities. The Executive Board also supports the ENSI Board in carrying out its duties, reports to the general public and represents ENSI at international organisations.